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Cinema Screening City Cineplex (City Mall Shopping Centre, Kota Kinabalu)

Mad Mamai

  • You have missed this movie!

A father who is a drunkard – a long-lost son who is a millionaire – a step-father who is a gang leader – hired killers from all over Sabah. How can Mamai protect his son?

Directors’ Statement: This film is a symbol of true unity amongst us, as the cast and crew gathered together without being paid a single cent. Everybody contributed their talent, time, effort and love to make this film.

Director's Bio:

Mark Marciano and Marco Nicho are my two sons. They were there with me when I started my first film in 2010. They have been with me from then until now – making 10 feature films ad 7 shorts. Whenever I needed to rest – but the shooting must go on – they would cover for me. Now for MAD MAMAI, I am the main character. Because I cannot focus fully on directing, they both automatically became the directors.

  • Genre : Action/Drama/Comedy
  • Director(s) : Marc Abas. Marco Nicho & Mark Marciano
  • Run Time : 2h
  • Release Year : 2024
  • Country : Sabah, Malaysia
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