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Cinema Screening City Cineplex (City Mall Shopping Centre, Kota Kinabalu)

China Beast

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Allen’s father is missing – he hasn’t come back from work. This reminds Allen again about the China Beast in the logging area. Allen is worried that his father has bee eaten by the China Beast. He starts the journey to find his father, hoping Arbi can take him to save his father.

Directors’ Statement: The Malaysian government has enforced the development of the Bakun Dam project in Sarawak in alignment with China's Belt and Road Initiative, exacerbating ecological destruction. This has led to the displacement of numerous indigenous people as their longhouses, orchards, and hunting grounds disappear. However, many Malaysian Chinese still refuse to face the problems caused.

Director's Bio:

Kuok Hong Yoeng is a Malaysian director from a village in Malaysia called Elephant Village. His debut short film KAMPUNG GAJAH was screened at SeaShorts Film Festival 2020 and then a second short film PERHAPS THAT ELEPHANT IS STILL ASLEEP won the Best Film of Next New Wave Competition at the Seashorts Film Festival 2022.

Christopher Ling Jing is a Sarawakian flmmaker who weaves cinematic tales that resonate with the heartbeat of Malaysian culture. As curator of the WatchMoviesNot Film Festival in Sarawak, Christopher navigates cinema’s cultural depths, exploring Sarawak’s identity. CHINA BEAST provides a fresh narrative. Christopher blends storytelling prowess with a commitment to nurturing Sarawak’s unique voice in the global cinematic conversation.

  • Genre : Drama/Fantasy
  • Director(s) : Kuok Hong Yoeng & Christopher Ling
  • Run Time : 26m
  • Release Year : 2023
  • Country : Taiwan
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